Panda - Dhyo Haw chords

Penyanyi/Band: Dhyo Haw

(Intro) [F] [Dm] [Em]
[F] [Dm] [Em]
[F]panda i call her
because first i [F]saw her eyes
wistful [Em]and pretty soft
white skin like a [Em]panda
[F][F]behave and cute i love whatever her did
[Em][Em]24 hours part of my life protect panda
a [F]candle within me,
a small [F]flame burning and spread
[Em]fueled by your eyes,
your [Em]laughter, your astonishing smile
[F]but seven years
had [F]never seen her with this face
[Em][Em]gloomy sadness, don’t give up
behind you, [F]panda.. [Em]panda..
[F]panda.. [Em]panda..
face [F]to the sky at sunrise,
do [F]not stop here
still a [Em]long journey like
the moon [Em]light up the night
face [F]to the sky at sunrise,
do [F]not stop here
still a [Em]long journey like
the moon [Em]light up the night
[F]with a thousand light
the [F]darkly lit together,
[Em]kill the problem
[F]and when we reach that point
[F]all we can do is quietly [Em]accept the fact
that's how we [Em]survive
(Interlude) [Am] [C] [Am] [C]
[Am] [C] [Am] [C]
[F]sorry for our last time,
i cannot stay with you [Em]everytime..
but [Em]now if i can turn back time,
[F]i want.. [Em]i could..
[F]if time could be replayed
i [F]supposed one can be repaired
but in [Em]reality is not cannot
is not [Em]cannon, is not cannot,
it’s not, it’s not
[F]i know the sun will be
still giving shining bright for the [Em]world
but now i am [Em]just need the rain
for my heart, extinguish your [F]fire
[F]i know the sun will be
still giving shining bright for the [Em]world
but now i am [Em]just need the rain
for my heart, extinguish your [F]fire[Em]
(Intro) [E] [C#m] [D#m]
[E] [C#m] [D#m]
[E]panda i call her
because first i [E]saw her eyes
wistful [D#m]and pretty soft
white skin like a [D#m]panda
[E][E]behave and cute i love whatever her did
[D#m][D#m]24 hours part of my life protect panda
a [E]candle within me,
a small [E]flame burning and spread
[D#m]fueled by your eyes,
your [D#m]laughter, your astonishing smile
[E]but seven years
had [E]never seen her with this face
[D#m][D#m]gloomy sadness, don’t give up
behind you, [E]panda.. [D#m]panda..
[E]panda.. [D#m]panda..
face [E]to the sky at sunrise,
do [E]not stop here
still a [D#m]long journey like
the moon [D#m]light up the night
face [E]to the sky at sunrise,
do [E]not stop here
still a [D#m]long journey like
the moon [D#m]light up the night
[E]with a thousand light
the [E]darkly lit together,
[D#m]kill the problem
[E]and when we reach that point
[E]all we can do is quietly [D#m]accept the fact
that's how we [D#m]survive
(Interlude) [G#m] [B] [G#m] [B]
[G#m] [B] [G#m] [B]
[E]sorry for our last time,
i cannot stay with you [D#m]everytime..
but [D#m]now if i can turn back time,
[E]i want.. [D#m]i could..
[E]if time could be replayed
i [E]supposed one can be repaired
but in [D#m]reality is not cannot
is not [D#m]cannon, is not cannot,
it’s not, it’s not
[E]i know the sun will be
still giving shining bright for the [D#m]world
but now i am [D#m]just need the rain
for my heart, extinguish your [E]fire
[E]i know the sun will be
still giving shining bright for the [D#m]world
but now i am [D#m]just need the rain
for my heart, extinguish your [E]fire[D#m]
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