Perfectly Perfect - Simple Plan chords
Simple Plan
(Intro) C
CYou might not think
you're a Gsupermodel
But you Amlook like one to Fme
CI'd rather have your picture
Gon my phone
Than on the Amcover of a Fmagazine
CIt's hard to think
that a Ggirl like you
Could have Amany Finsecurities
CIt's funny how
all the Gthings you would change
Are all Amthings that are cute to FmeG
And I Amknow
you don't Fbelieve me
And you Cthink
that I'm a GGfool but I don't care
CMaybe.. GYou'll never see in you what
AmI see.. FThe little things you do that
Cmake me go Gcrazy, I'm not Amcrazy
You're Fperfectly Gperfect to Cme
CYou brush it off
every Gtime I tell you
Your Amsmile lights up the Froom
CAnd I'm guessing that
you Gdon't even notice
The Amwhole world notices Fyou
CYou think you're clumsy
GI think you're cool
AmYou say you're typikal
But FI think you rule
CSometimes I wonder
If you'll Gever believe that
I Amwrote this song for Fyou
CMaybe.. GYou'll never see in you what
AmI see.. FThe little things you do that
Cmake me go Gcrazy, I'm not Amcrazy
You're Fperfectly Gperfect
CSomeday.. GYou're gonna see you're
Ambeautiful this Fway,
and that you're always gonna Cmake me
go Gcrazy, I'm not Amcrazy
You're FFperfectGly perfect to me
You don't have to Ftry
Change a single Cthing
'Cause just the way you Gare
Is sweeter than Fanything
Maybe I'm a Ffool
But it's always been Amyou
'Cause no one ever Gmakes me smile
The Fway you do..
CMaybe.. GYou'll never see in you what
AmI see.. FThe little things you do that
Cmake me go Gcrazy, I'm not Amcrazy
You're Fperfectly Gperfect
CSomeday.. GYou're gonna see you're
Ambeautiful this Fway,
and that you're always gonna Cmake me
go Gcrazy, I'm not Amcrazy
You're Fperfectly Gperfect to Cme
O.. Goh.. O.. Amoh.. yeah
You're Fperfectly Gperfect to Cme
O.. Goh.. O.. Amoh..
You're Fperfectly Gperfect to Cme
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