Show Off Your Colors - Titi DJ feat. Sara Fajira & Eka Gustiwana - Eka Gustiwana chords

Penyanyi/Band: Eka Gustiwana
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132

(Intro) A G D A
Ashow off your colors
Glet's show the world how we
Dexpress it together
Gwe are unstoppable
Ashow off your colors
Gno time to waste
we Dgotta get together, Atogether!
(Intro) A G D G
Awhoever we Dare, it doesn’t matter
Ggotta keep moving Aon..
keep aiming Ato inspire
don't ever Dstop, wherever we are
Gshow the world what you Agot..
yang ada Adi pulau bali
maluku Ddan di papua
juga yang Gdi nusa Atenggara..
sulawesi, Akalimantan dan sumatera
Djuga jawa..
Gtunjukkanlah hey, Aindonesia..
Gtunjukkan pada Adunia..
Ashow off your colors
Glet's show the world how we
Dexpress it together
Gwe are unstoppable
Ashow off your colors
Gno time to waste
we Dgotta get together, Atogether!
(Intro) A G D G
Ano Gtime to waste
we Dgotta get together, Atogether!
(Intro) A G D A
yang ada Adi pulau bali
maluku Ddan di papua
juga yang Gdi nusa Atenggara..
sulawesi, Akalimantan dan sumatera
Djuga jawa..
Gtunjukkanlah hey, Aindonesia..
Gtunjukkan pada Adunia..
Ashow off your colors
Glet's show the world how we
Dexpress it together
Gwe are unstoppable
Ashow off your colors
Gno time to waste
we Dgotta get together, Atogether!
Amari ekspresi!
Gkembali ku ajak Ddirimu, ekspresi!
Gayo, ayo, ayo
Asemua, ekspresi!
Gdi sini kini Dkita ekspresi! Aekspresi!
(Intro) A G D G
AAGdi sini kiDni kita ekspresi! ekspresi!
b Transpos ke bawah # Transpose ke atas
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