Somewhere I Belong - Abirama chords
(Intro) Em D C Am
Em D C Am
EmAs i'm walking Ddown
on a Clane of Ammemory
EmLike walls of Dpolaroid
Ccapturing Ameternity
EmBut the pictures Dare
fading Cin out of my Amdreams
And Bmi can't Dseem to CbreatheAm
EmBut I know you Dcan't
sleep Cunder my Amsheets
EmWhen there is someone Delse
sinking Cdown under your Amheart
EmYet a simple Dsmile
from the Clips that gives me Ampeace
It Bmlights my Dloving CheartAm
EmSomewhere I Gbelong,CAm
EmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
DSomewhere I Cbelong
EmEven if it's GwrongCAm
EmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
DSomewhere with you, I'm Chome
(Intro) Em D C Am
Em D C Am
EmAnd I'm waiting Don
a table Cwith an empty Amseat
EmHoping one day Dyou
will Cdine with me,Am
Emyee..eeee.. But baby don't you Dworry,
I won't Csay goodbye to Amyou
Cause BmI'll be Dloving CyouAm
EmSomewhere I Gbelong,CAm
EmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
DSomewhere I Cbelong
EmEven if it's GwrongCAm
EmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
DSomewhere with you, I'm Chome
AmThose late night eating Emsnacks
And Ddancing like we Amare
Ice skating at the Empark
We Dboth were in Amlove
The way you tickle Emme
And Dtell me you love Amme
I wish I could be Dhome
EmSomewhere I Gbelong,CAm
EmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
DSomewhere I Cbelong
EmEven if it's GwrongCAm
EmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
DSomewhere with you, I'm Chome
EmSomewhere I Gbelong,CAm
EmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
DSomewhere I Cbelong
EmEven if it's GwrongCAm
EmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
DSomewhere with you, I'm Chome
DSomewhere with you, I'm Chome,
DSomewhere i Emfeel Chome
(Intro) Am G F Dm
Am G F Dm
AmAs i'm walking Gdown
on a Flane of Dmmemory
AmLike walls of Gpolaroid
Fcapturing Dmeternity
AmBut the pictures Gare
fading Fin out of my Dmdreams
And Emi can't Gseem to FbreatheDm
AmBut I know you Gcan't
sleep Funder my Dmsheets
AmWhen there is someone Gelse
sinking Fdown under your Dmheart
AmYet a simple Gsmile
from the Flips that gives me Dmpeace
It Emlights my Gloving FheartDm
AmSomewhere I Cbelong,FDm
AmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
GSomewhere I Fbelong
AmEven if it's CwrongFDm
AmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
GSomewhere with you, I'm Fhome
(Intro) Am G F Dm
Am G F Dm
AmAnd I'm waiting Gon
a table Fwith an empty Dmseat
AmHoping one day Gyou
will Fdine with me,Dm
Amyee..eeee.. But baby don't you Gworry,
I won't Fsay goodbye to Dmyou
Cause EmI'll be Gloving FyouDm
AmSomewhere I Cbelong,FDm
AmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
GSomewhere I Fbelong
AmEven if it's CwrongFDm
AmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
GSomewhere with you, I'm Fhome
DmThose late night eating Amsnacks
And Gdancing like we Dmare
Ice skating at the Ampark
We Gboth were in Dmlove
The way you tickle Amme
And Gtell me you love Dmme
I wish I could be Ghome
AmSomewhere I Cbelong,FDm
AmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
GSomewhere I Fbelong
AmEven if it's CwrongFDm
AmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
GSomewhere with you, I'm Fhome
AmSomewhere I Cbelong,FDm
AmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
GSomewhere I Fbelong
AmEven if it's CwrongFDm
AmI wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be
GSomewhere with you, I'm Fhome
GSomewhere with you, I'm Fhome,
GSomewhere i Amfeel Fhome
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