You Are The Reason - Calum Scott chords
Calum Scott
Capo di fret 3
(Intro) G Em C D G
There goes my Gheart beating
Cause you are the Emreason
I'm losing my CsleepD
Please come back Gnow
There goes my Gmind racing
And you are the Emreason
That I'm still CbreathingD
I'm hopeless Emnow
I'd Gclimb every CmountainD
DAnd swim every Emocean
GJust to be Cwith you
DDAnd fix what I'Emve broken
Oh.. cause EmI DDneGed you to CCmsee..
That you are the Greason
There goes my Ghands shaking
And you are the Emreason
My heart keeps Cbleeding
DI need you Gnow
If I could Gturn back the clock
I'd make sure the light defeated the darkEm
I'd Gspend every Chour, of every Dday
Keeping Emyou safe..
I'd Gclimb every CmountainD
DAnd swim every Emocean
GJust to be Cwith you
DDAnd fix what I'Emve broken
Oh.. cause EmI DDneGed you to CCmsee..
That you are the Creason..DG
You are the Creason..DG
I Gneed you to DDhold Cme tonight..
I'd Gclimb every CmountainD
DAnd swim every Emocean
GJust to be Cwith you
DDAnd fix what I'Emve broken
Oh.. cause EmI DDneGed you to CCmsee..
That you are the Greason
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