If I Fell - The Beatles chords
The Beatles
If I Ebmfell in love with you
Would Dyou promise to be true
And C#help me Bbmun derstand
'Cause EbmI've been in love before
And Dfound that love is more
EmThan just Aholding hands
If DI give Emmy E#mhea Emrt to you
I Amust be Dsu re Emfrom the F#mvery start
That Emyou Awould love Dme Emmore Athan her
If I Dtrus Emt F#min you
EmOh please, Adon't run and hide
If DI love Emyou F#mtoo
Oh Emplease, Adon't hurt my pride D9li ke her
Cause I couldn't Gstand the pain
And GmI would be Dsad if our new love A7was in vain
So DI hope Emyo u'll F#mse e
That EmI would Alove to love you
DA nd Emtha t F#mshe Emwill c ry
DWhe e are two
If I Gmfel l in Clove with Dyo u