It's All Your Fault - P!nk chords
Key [Em]
I'd Cconjure up the Gthought of being gone Em
But I'd Cprobably even do that Gwrong Em
I tCry to think aboutG which wEmay
Would I be able to Cand would I be Gafraid Em
CCause oh I'm bleeding Gout inside Em
COh I Gdon't even mind Em(yeah)
It's Call your Gfault
You Bcalled me beautiful Em
You Cturned me out G
And now I can't turn Bback Em
CI hold my Gbreath
BBecause you were perfect Em
But I'm Crunning out of air G
And it's not Bfair Em
CDaG daEm da[X2]da da dada da
Da dadadadadada da dadadadadada
CI'm trying to figure out what
Gelse to say (what Emelse could I say?)
To Cmake you turn around and G
come back this way Em
(Would you just come back this way)
I Cfeel like we could be Greally
awesome together Em
So Cmake up your mind cause it's
Gnow or never (oh) Em
EmI would never Bpull the trigger
EmBut I've cried wolf a Cthousand times G
EmI wish you could B
EmFeel as bad as I do
CI have lost my mind G
It's Call your Gfault
You Bcalled me beautiful Em
You Cturned me out G
And now I can't Bturn back Em
I Chold (I hold) my Gbreath (my breath)
BBecause you were perfect Em
But I'm Crunning out of air (running Gout of air)
And it's not Bfair Em
(Oh yeah
It's all your fault)
I Chold Gmy breath
BBecause you were perfect Em
But I'm Crunning out of air G
And it's not B(it's not) fair Em
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