Love Me - Collin Raye chords
Collin Raye
C G/B Am Am/G Dm G C F/C C
CI read a G/Bnote my Amgrandma wrote back in FGnineteen Ctwenty-
CGrandpa G/Bkept it Amin his coat, and he Dm7showed it once to
Gsusme. G He said,
C"Boy, you G/Bmight not Amunderstand, but a Flong, long Gtime
CGrandma's G/Bdaddy didn't Amlike me Fnone, but I Gloved your
Grandma CF/Cso." C
CWe had this G/Bcrazy Amplan to meet Fand run Gaway Ctogether.
CGet married G/Bin the Amfirst town we came Dm7to, and live
CBut nailed G/Bto the Amtree where we were Fsupposed to Gmeet,
COf her, I G/Bfound this Amletter, and tFhis is wGhat it
sCaidF/C: C
If you Fget there Gbefore I Cdo, Fdon't give Gup on Cme.
I'll Fmeet you when my Gchores are Amthrough;
Dm7I don't know Dm7/Chow long I'll Gsusbe. G
But I'm Fnot gonna Glet you Cdown, Fdarling Gwait and Amsee.
And Fbetween now and Gthen, till I E7see you Am7again,
I'll be Floving Gyou. CLove, G/Bme. Am Am/G Dm G C F/C C
CI read those G/Bwords just Amhours before my FGrandma Gpassed
CIn the doorway G/Bof a Amchurch where me and Dm7Grandpa stopped to
Gsuspray. G
CI know I'd G/Bnever Amseen him cry in Fall my Gfifteen Cyears;
CBut as he G/Bsaid these Amwords to Fher, his Geyes filled up with
CF/Ctears. C
If you Fget there Gbefore I Cdo, Fdon't give Gup on Cme.
I'll Fmeet you when my Gchores are Amthrough;
Dm7I don't know Dm7/Chow long I'll Gsusbe. G
But I'm Fnot gonna Glet you Cdown, Fdarling Gwait and Amsee.
And Fbetween now and Gthen, till I E7see you Am7again,
I'll be Floving yGou. LovCe, meAm7.
FBetween now and Gthen, till I E7see you Am7again,
I'll be Floving Gyou. Love, me.
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