Lunisolar - Shaun (숀) chords

Key: C/G Singer/Band: Shaun (숀)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo

Tone gốc B Capo 4
Just the C/Gsun hits on my Ghair, Dlike shiny Emhope
But C/Gdon't know where to Ggo and I Ddon't know what to Emdo
Damn C/Gridiculous Gcity, Dsling off at Emme
It C/Gmakes me deep and Gmad and Dsad Em
You wake me C/Gup, when meet Gyou in the club D Em
Cause your C/Gsoft and warm and Gcozy voice D Em
That time, I C/Gthink you're Ggetting into me D Em
Just like a C/Gfalling star G(like a Dfalling Emstar)
Take you up C/Gto the Gsky you don't need Dto be Emafraid
Hold my C/Ghand, close Gyour eyes you can Dsee the Emgalaxy
Take you C/Gup to Gthe sky you don't Dneed to be Emafraid
Stars will C/Ghug you hard Gand makes us into Dfair Ggalaxy
C/G G D Em
C/G G D Em
C/G G D Em
Stars will C/Ghug you hard Gand makes us into Dfair Ggalaxy
C/G G D Em
C/G G D Em
C/G G D Em
Stars will C/Ghug you hard Gand makes us into Dfair Ggalaxy
Just the C/Gmoon hits on Gmy face, Dlike Emcooling dream
But C/Gdon't know where Gto go and I Ddon't know what Emto do
Damn C/Gridiculous Gcity, Dsling off Emat me
It C/Gmakes me sick Gand tough and hurt D Em
You wake me C/Gup, when see Gyou on the floor D Em
Cause your C/Glight and Gfascinating move D Em
That time, I C/Gthink you're Ggetting into me D Em
Just like a C/Gshooting star, Glike a Dshooting Emstar
Take you up C/Gto the Gsky you don't need Dto be Emafraid
Hold my C/Ghand, close Gyour eyes you can Dsee the Emgalaxy
Take you C/Gup to Gthe sky you don't Dneed to Embe afraid
Stars will C/Ghug you hard Gand makes us into Dfair Ggalaxy
C/G G D Em
C/G G D Em
Take you C/Gup to Gthe sky you don't Dneed to Embe afraid
Stars will C/Ghug you hard Gand makes us into Dfair Ggalaxy
C/G G D Em
C/G G D Em
C/G G D Em
Stars will C/Ghug you hard Gand makes us into Dfair Ggalaxy
C/G G D Em
C/G G D Em
C/G G D Em
Stars will C/Ghug you hard Gand makes us into Dfair Ggalaxy
When night C/Gcomes, hug Geach other, Dremember our Emhistory
Breath of C/Glove, touch your Gbody, we Dcomplete like Emdiamond
Take you C/Ghigh, feel up Ghigh, we just Dgo in for Emthe love
Stars will C/Ghug you hard Gand makes us into Dfair Ggalaxy
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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