Marry Me - Thomas Rhett chords
Thomas Rhett
Capo 3 Tone [C]
She Gwants to get Fmarried, Cshe wants it Amperfect
She Gwants her granFdaddy Cpreaching the Amservice
Yeah, Gshe wants magFnolias Cout in the Amcountry
Not Gtoo many Fpeople, save her Cdaddy some Ammoney G
FOoh, C...she got it Amall Gplanned out
FYeah, C...I can see it Amall right Gnow
I'll wear my Fblack suit, Cblack tie, Amhide out in the Gback
I'll do a Fstrong shot of Cwhiskey Amstraight out the Gflask
I'll try to Fmake it through without Ccrying so noE7body Amsees
Yeah, she wanna get FmarCried. Am...But Gshe don't wanna marry Fme
C Am
I reGmember the Fnight when CI almost Amkissed her
Yeah, GI kinda Ffreaked out, we'd been Cfriends for forAmever
And GI always Fwondered if Cshe felt the Amsame way
When GI got the Finvite, I Cknew it was Amtoo late G
And I Fknow C...her daddy's been Amdreading this Gday
Oh, but Fhe don't know he ain't the Conly one Amgiving her aGway
I'll wear my Fblack suit, Cblack tie, Amhide out in the Gback
I'll do a Fstrong shot of Cwhiskey Amstraight out the Gflask
I'll try to Fmake it through without Ccrying so noE7body Amsees
Yeah, she wanna get FmarCried. Am...But Gshe don't wanna marry Fme
C Am
Bet she got on her Dmdress now, welcoming the Cguests now
I could try to Ffind her, get it off of my Cchest now
But I ain't gonna Dmmess it up, so I'll wish her the Gbest now
So I'm in my Fblack suit,C black tie, Amhiding out in the Gback
Doing a Fstrong shot of Cwhiskey Amstraight out the Gflask
I'll try to Fmake it through without Ccrying so noE7body Amsees
Yeah, she wanna get FmarCried Am G
Yeah, she wanna get FmarCried Am G
But she ain't gonna marry Fme C
AmWhoa, Gshe ain't gonna marry Fme, Cno Am G
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