My Long Forgotten Cloistered Sleep - Emily Bindiger chords
Emily Bindiger
DmIn my long forgotten Amcloistered sleep
You and BbI were Cresting Fclose in peaceA
DmWas it just the dreaming Amof my heart?
Now I'm Bbcrying, Cdon't know Dmwhy
Where do Bball the Ctears come Ffrom (to my Dmeyes)?
Could Bbno one Cever dry Fup this Dmspring?
If you Bbfind me Ccrying Fin the Dmdark
Please Gmcall my Amname from the Dmheart
DmSing with me a tiny Amautumn song
With the BbmelodiesC of the Fdays gone Aby
DmDress my body all in Amflowers white
So no Bbmortal Ceye can Dmsee
Where have Bball my Cmemories Fgone (and Dmlost)?
Should I Bbroam Cagain up Fyonder Dmhill?
I can Bbnever Crest my Asoul Dmuntil
You Bbcall my Amname, you Gmcall my Amname from the Dmheart
DmIn my long forgotten Amcloistered sleep
Someone Bbkissed me Cwhispering Fwords of Amlove
DmIs it just a longing Amof my heart?
Such a Bbmoment Cof such Dmpeace
Where do Bball the Ctears come Ffrom (to my Dmeyes)?
With no BbmemoriesC why Fshould I Dmcry?
I can Bbnever Crest my Asoul Dmuntil you Bbcall my Amname
You Gmcall my Amname, you Bbcall my Amname
BbCall my Csoul from the Dmheart
DmLa la la Amla la la
BbLa la la Cla la la Fla la Ala
DmLa la la Amla la la
BbLa la la Cla la la Fla la Ala
Dm Am Bb C F A
Dm Am Bb C F A
Am Bb C
Bb A Bb Dm
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