Nearness is to love - Urban Zakapa chords
Urban Zakapa
[D] [G] [C] [F] [D]
Gbroken and blue
I sit here all alone
there's an emptinessBm inside me
Cbiding time just waiting for you
Git's all in my mind
CI try to tell myself
take a breath Gand count to threeBm
Cand you're all that I see
Gwhen I'm Dwithout you
Cwhen you leave me Don myEm own
Bmminutes hours turnC to days
and I just don't knowG what to do
I'm nothingD without you
Cdon't everD let meG go
Gwords of fondness is to broken hearts
Gas nearness is to love
Glook in those eyes
Cyou've known it all along
Emever patient Bmin your silence
Cthough your warmth is more thanG enough
GI'm sorry that I
CI haven't been myself
Emdon't you knowBm it's clear to see
that you'reD all that I needG
Gwhen I'm without you
Cwhen you leave meD on my Emown
Bmminutes hours turnC to days
and I just Gdon't know what to do
I'm nothingD without you
Cdon't everD let me Emgo
Bmwords of fondness is to Cbroken hearts
Gas nearness is to love
Dmaybe I'm asking too much
Bmbut there's no Gother way
Cmso I pray that you're always by my sideD Eb C# Ab
Ebwhen I'm without you
Fmabandon me by myself
C#minutes hoursAb turn to days
C#and I just don't know what to do
Absaying I loveEb you
C#it's not what I want at all
words of fondness isFm to broken hearts
as nearness is Abto love
when I'mEb without you
C#when you leave me Ebon my own
Fmminutes hoursCm turn C#to days
and I just don't knowAb what to do
I'm nothing without Ebyou
Fmdon't everAb let me go
words of fondness is toBbm broken hearts
as nearness isC to loveDm
Bbmby my side your nearness isEb to loveC# Eb
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