Người hãy quên em đi ( English ver.) - Antôn Đình Dũng chords
Antôn Đình Dũng
1. Hey Embaby, so Amwe are Dapart today
There Gwere one time Cendless kisses, now they Amall are gone
Your F#dimwarmth is gone from my B7lips.
Hey Embaby, the word Am''love'' is Dnow fading
I'm leftG with onlyC lonely nights, and fallingAm tears
Listen toF#dim the time ticking B7by.
Please forget aboutEm me, and love me noAm more
If you have noD more attachments toEm me
Please forget aboutEm me, and expect noAm more
Nothing to reF#dimgret and no hard Bfeelings.
For this love Cwould not last Dforever.
Consider it Bma tender enEmding
Love is like Ama gentle breeze B7blowing
Please forget aboutEm me.
Our promisesEm of Ambeing Dtogether
ReGmember we used to be Cso
Light Amand carefree F#dimJust the two of B7us
So Emtoday, i'm bitterlyAm hurt that you're Dchanged
Our vowsG are gone with the wind Cand
I'mAm left alone F#dimlisten to my cry of B7pain.
Please forget aboutEm me, and love me noAm more
If you have Dno more attachments toEm me
Please forget aboutEm me, and expect noAm more
Nothing to F#dimregret and no hard Bfeelings.
For this love Cwould not last Dforever
Consider it Bma tender enEmding
Love is like Ama gentle breeze B7blowing
Please forget about Emme...
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