Nice To Meet You - Cody Simpson chords
Cody Simpson
verse 1:
The Clast words you Emspoke
fell from Amflaming lips like an Gember
I’d Choped that we’d meet aEmgain
but stormy Amnights like these
Help me reGmember
FMust I Glet you Cgo
Fleaving Gme aClone
FI could Gcry but AmI’ll Gsay Fnice Fmto meet Cyou
interlude: (x2)
C Em Am G
verse 2:
It’s Cwritten on a face still stained with hope
Reading Emall the poetry I never wrote
lights the Ambed on fire and I’m Gburning
CSeeing the demise dripping from your eyes
Watch the Emtears fill a cup full
of compromise as the Amangel sighs
So unGwise
FMust I Glet you Cgo
Fleaving Gme aClone
FI could Gcry but AmI’ll Gsay Fnice Fm to meet Cyou
AbEverything you wish Bbyou could eCrase
AbMemories you wish Bbyou could reCplace
BbYou take all the blame but
you would Fnever take my Gplace
final chorus:
FNow that Gwe’re outCside
FI should Gsay goodCbye
FInstead I’ll Glie and say it’s
Coh Emso AmveGry Fnice Fmto meetC you
C Em oh it's so very niceAm G
Singing it out, Cyeah
ohEm oh it's so very niceAm G
GC’mon GC’mon
CSinging it Emout
Amoh it's so very nice F Em Dm
G Am G C
C EmI should say goodbye but I should say goodAmbye but
I’ll just say it’s oh so Gvery nice to meet Cyou
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