Now & Forever - Richard Marx chords
Richard Marx
1. GWhenever I'm Emweary from the Ambattles that Grage in my D7head
GYou make sense of Emmadness when my Amsanity Ghangs by a D7thread
CI lose my B7way but still you Emseam to D7under- Gstand
Now and for- Amever, I will D7be your Gman C
2. GSometimes I just Emhold you, Amtoo caught up Gin me to D7see
GI'm holding a Emfortune that Amheaven has Ggiven to D7me
CI'll try to B7show you each and Emevery D7way I Gcan
Now and for- Amever, I will D7be your Gman
Chorus: B7Now I can Emrest my Cworries and Galways be D7sure
EmThat I Cwon't be a- Glone any- D7more
If I'd Conly Gknown you were D7there all the Amtime, all this Ctime
* CUntil the B7day the ocean doesn't Emtouch the D7sand
Now and for- Amever, I will D7be your Gman C
Now and for- Amever, I will D7be your Gman C
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