Penny Lane - The Beatles chords
The Beatles
Capo II
In Penny ALane there is a F#mbarber showing BmE7photographs
of ev'ry Ahead he's had the F#mpleasure to Amknow
And all the people that come and Fgo stop and E7say hello
On the Acorner is a F#mbanker with a Bmmotor E7car.
The little Achildren laugh at F#mhim behind his Amback.
And the banker never wears a F"mac" in the E7pouring rain, very strange.
Penny GLane is in my Bmears and in my Ceyes.
GWet beneath the Bmblue suburban Cskies. I sit and E7meanwhile
In Penny ALane there is a F#mfireman with an Bmhour E7glass. And in
his Apocket is a
F#mportrait of the Amqueen.
He likes to keep his fire engine Fclean, it's a E7clean machine.
Penny GLane is in my Bmears and in my Ceyes.
GFull of fish and Bmfinger Cpies in summer E7meanwhile
GPenny Lane is in my Bmears and in my Ceyes.
GWet beneath the Bmblue suburban Cskies. I sit and E7meanwhile
Behind the Ashelter in the F#mmiddle of the BmE7roundabout
The pretty Anurse is selling F#mpoppies from a Amtray
And though she feels as if she's in a Fplay
She is E7anyway.
In Penny ALane the barber F#mshaves another BmE7customer.
We see the Abanker sitting, F#mwaiting for a Amtrend
And then the fireman rushes Fin from the pouring E7rain,
very strange.
GPenny Lane is in my Bmears and in my Ceyes.
GWet beneath the Bmblue suburban Cskies. I sit and E7meanwhile
Penny ALane
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