Phía Sau Một Cô Gái (English Version) - Bảo Kun chords
Bảo Kun
Hợp âm viết ở Tone [Em] - Tone gốc Fm: Capo 1
So many Ctimes i want to tell you Dall my feelings instead Emoff....
Besided Cyou and hear you talk about Dhim with the twinkle Emeyes
I Cfeel like you're avoiding Dme
It's seem like you Bmalways understand Emme
Can't Cinterfere , And can't Dlet you to see my Emtears
So i step Cback to behind , To Dsee you clearer
For watching Bmyou from afar , More Emtender
My Cworld is getting Dsmaller just by a Ggirl G7
Or i will Ckeep silently insideD you
No matter Bmif we can't walk Emtogether
And from Cthere my eyes can Bmfeel sereniEmty
There's no Cone could stop the heart when Dit just fall in Emlove
Please dont Ctell me that i have to give Dup I love her..... That's
EveCryone wishes to be in Dlove
I've waited overBmtime to meet and see her Emoff
OpenC my eyes... I can Dsee her smile in the Emsunshine .
So i step Cback to behind , To Dsee you clearer
For watching Bmyou from afar , More Emtender
My Cworld is getting Dsmaller just by a Ggirl G7
Or i will Ckeep silently insideD you
No matter Bmif we can't walk Emtogether
And from Cthere my eyes can Bmfeel sereniEmty
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