Please Don't Say You Love Me - Gabrielle Aplin chords
Gabrielle Aplin
Intro F C Am G
Verse 1
F SuCmmer cAmomes, wGinter fFades,
CHere we AmGare, just Fthe same,
We Cdont need Ampressure, Gwe don’t need Fchange,
CLets not Amgive the Ggame Faway. C Am G
F There uCsed toAm be an eGmpty sFpace,
A phCotograAmph withGout a fFace,
But Cwith your Ampresence Gand your Fgrace,
ECveryAmthing fallGs into plFace. F F
FJust please don't say you Clove me,
'cause I Gmight not say it Amback,
Doesn't Fmean my heart stopped
Cskipping when you Glook at me like Amthat.
FThere's no need to Cworry when you Gsee just where we're Amat.
FJust please don't say Cyou love me
G'cause I might not say it FCback. Am G F C Am G
Verse 2
F HeCavy wAmords are hGard to tFake,
UndeCr preAmssure, pGrecious things Fcan break,
And Chow we fAmeel is hGard to fFake,
So lCet's notAm give the gGame awayF. F
Just Fplease don't say you Clove me,
'cause I Gmight not say it Amback,
Doesn't mean Fmy heart stopped
Cskipping when you Glook at me like Amthat.
And Fthere's no need to Cworry when you sGee just where we'rAme at.
Just Fplease don't say you Clove me
G'cause I might not say it Amback.
AmFools rush in.
FAnd I've been the fool Cbefore,
This time I'm gonna slow down, A7
'cause I think this could be more, F
The thing I'm looking for. C G
Just Fplease don't say you Clove me,
'cause I Gmight not say it Amback,
Doesn't mean Fmy heart stopped
Cskipping when you Glook at me like Amthat.
And Fthere's no need to Cworry when you sGee just where we'rAme at.
Just Fplease don't say you Clove me
G'cause I might not say it Amback.
Just Fplease don't say you Clove me,
'cause I Gmight not say it Amback,
Doesn't mean Fmy heart stopped
Cskipping when you Glook at me like Amthat.
And Fthere's no need to Cworry when you sGee just where we'rAme at.
Just Fplease don't say you Clove me
G'cause I might not say it Amback.
Just Fplease don't say you Clove me
G'cause I might not say it Amback.
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