Purpose - Justin Bieber chords

Key: F Singer/Band: Justin Bieber
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0B1fr2fr3fr4frx13331

(Verse 1)
Feeling like I'm Fbreathing my Clast breath F/A G/B C
Feeling like I'm Fwalking my Clast steps F/A G/B C
Look at all Fof these tears CI've wept F/A G/B C
Look at all the Fpromises that CI've kept F/A G/B C
I put my Fall into your Chands
Here's my F/Asoul G/Bto Ckeep
I let you Fin with all that I C can
You're not F/Ahard G/Bto Creach
And you Fbless me with the Cbest gift
That F/AI've G/Bever Cknown
You give me FpurCpose F/A G/B C
Yeah, you've given me FpurCpose F/A G/B C
(Verse 2)
Thinking my Fjourney's come to Can end F/A G/B C
Sending out a Ffarewell to
Cmy F/Afriends, G/Bfor inner Cpeace
Ask you to Fforgive me for C
my F/Asins, G/Boh would you Cplease?
I'm more than Fgrateful for the
time Cwe spentF/A, my G/Bspirit's at Cease
I put my Fheart into your Chands
Learn the F/Alessons G/Byou Cteach
No matter Fwhen, wherever I C am
You're not F/Ahard G/Bto Creach
And you've Fgiven me the Cbest gift
That F/AI've G/Bever Cknown
You give me FpurCposeF/A G/BeverydayC
You give me FpurCposeF/A, G/Bin every Cway
FOhC, you are my F/AeveryG/BthingC
FOhC, you are my F/AeveryG/BthingC
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