Ready to Change - Kodaline chords
Capo 3
Verse 1
EmShots rang out, but Amthere's no Emgun
Still you Dhurt on Geveryone
In the dips Cof you, the Amsparks are Ggood
But you're not even Emtrying trying
You feel the knife Amin your gut Em
But you're so Amscared of what you Emwant
CYou bite you lip, and hold your tongue
What are you Emhiding? (hiding)
We Cgot tired of your charms
And Dtired of your false alarms
You're Gjust a book that Dnever turns its Cpage
You can Emstand on the edge shouting G
out that you're ready to Cchange ready to change
You Emcan say what you want
You won't Gjump, you're not ready to Cchange
You're not ready to change
Em D C Em D C
Verse 2
EmHappy times, there's Ambeen Ema few
A Amdifferent me, a different Emyou
Now you Csell your soul for something new
But nobody's Embuying (buying)
C'Cause we got tired of your charms
And Dtired of your false alarms
You're Gjust a book that never turns its Cpage
You can Emstand on the edge shouting Gout
that you're ready to Cchange ready to change
You can Emsay what you want
GYou won't jump, you're not ready to Cchange ready to change
Em D C Em D C
Am C Em D Am C Em D
You can Emstand on the edge Gshouting out that
you're ready to Cchange Amready to Cchange
You can Emsay what you want
You won't Gjump, you're not ready to Cchange
Ready to change
Em D C Em D C
You can Emstand on the edge shouting Gout
that you're ready to Cchange ready to change
You can Emsay what you want
You won't Gjump, you're not ready
to Cchange (ready to change) Em
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