Remember When - Alan Jackson chords
Alan Jackson
GReEmmemCbeDr [(2x)]Gwhen Em...
I was youngC and so were youD
And time Gstood Em... still and Clove was all we Dknew
You were the Gfirst, so was EmI
We made Clove and then you Dcried
Remember Gwhen Em... C... D...
Remember Gwhen Em... we vowed Cthe vows
And walked the Dwalk
Gave our Ghearts, Emmade Cthe start, and it Dwas hard
We lived and Glearned, life threw Emcurves
There was Cjoy, there was Dhurt
Remember Gwhen D
Remember Gwhen Emold Cones died and new Dwere born
And life was Gchanged, Emdisas Csembled, Drear ranged
We came Gto gether, Emfell apart
And Cbroke each other's Dhearts
Remember Gwhen G7
Remember Awhen F#mthe Dsound of Elittle feet
Was the Amusic F#m
We Ddanced to week Eto week
Brought back the Alove, we found F#mtrust
Vowed we'd Dnever give it Eup
Remember Awhen E
Remember Awhen Dthirty seemed so Eold
Now lookin' Aback, F#mit's Djust a Esteppin' stone
To where we Aare,
Where we've F#mbeen
Said we'd Ddo it all Eagain
Remember Awhen E
Remember Awhen F#mwe Dsaid when we Eturned gray
When the Achildren F#mgrow Dup and Emove away
We won't be Asad, we'll be F#mglad
For Dall the life we've Ehad
And we'll remember Awhen E
Remember Awhen E
Remember Awhen
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