Rivers - Passenger chords
Capo on 3rd fret
G D/F# Em C [2x]
There's Gwood-chip on the walls
There's D/F#wood on the stove
You Emwould if you could
But you Ccan not un-know
That GI'm still D/F#yours Em Calone
We Glie on our backs
We D/F#lie on your floor
But Emwe lied so much
We don't Ctalk anymore
That GI'm still D/F#yours Em Calone
You Amsaid you were tired
I said I feel the same
I put on my shoes
And I got on the train
I see Emsunlight Bmfade
And the shadows Amgrow long
To see Emrivers go winding Bmblindly
Back to the Amstone
And the Grickety tracks
They're Bmtaking me back
To where CI Am7/Bused to Am7belong
There's a Gweight on our shoulders
D/F#Weight to your tone
You Emwait on tables
I'll Cwait by the phone
And GI'm still D/F#yours EmCalone
AmYou blew out the candles
When we fell apart
I'm not trying, just scared of the dark
I see Emsunlight Bmfade
And the shadows Amgrow long
To see Emrivers go winding Bmblindly
Back to the Amstone
And the Grickety tracks
They're Bmtaking me back
To where CI Am7/Bused to Am7belong
BmAnd oh, oh, oh, oh, Amoh
EmOh, oh, Bmoh, oh, Amoh
BmOh, oh, oh, oh, Amoh
EmOh, oh, Bmoh, oh, Amoh oh, oh, oh
I see Emsunlight Bmfade
And the shadows Amgrow long
To see Emrivers go winding Bmblindly
Back to the Amstone
And the Grickety tracks
They're Bmtaking me back
To where CI Am7/Bused to Am7belong
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