Sad Beautiful Tragic (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift chords

Key: G Singer/Band: Taylor Swift
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

No capo *: Đánh xuống 1 lần
Verse 1:
GLong handwritten Dnote
Deep in your Ampocket C
GWords, how little they Dmean
When you're a little too Amlate C
I Gstood right by the Dtracks
Your face in a Amlocket C
Good Ggirls, hopeful they'll Dbe and long they will Amwait C
We Ghad a Dbeautiful, magic Amlove there C
What a Gsad Dbeautiful, tragic Amlove Caffair
Verse 2:
In Gdreams, I Dmeet you in warm Amconversation C
We both Gwake, in lonely Dbeds
In different Amcities C
And Gtime is Dtaking its sweet time Amerasing you C
And Gyou've got your demons
And Ddarlin' they all look like Amme C
'Cause we Ghad a Dbeautiful, magic Amlove there C
What a Gsad Dbeautiful, tragic Amlove Caffair
AmDistance, timing
CBreakdown, fighting
GSilence, the train runs Doff its tracks
AmKiss me, try to fix it
Could Cyou just try to listen?
GHang up, give up
And Dfor the life of Amus we [C*]can't [C*]get [C*]back
A Dbeautiful, magic Amlove there C
What a Gsad, Dbeautiful, tragic
AmBeautiful, tragic
What we Ghad a Dbeautiful, magic Amlove there
What a Gsad, Dbeautiful tragic Amlove Caffair
We Ghad a Dbeautiful, magic Amlove there
What a Gsad, beautiful, tragic [Am*]love Caffair [G*]
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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