Shallow - Lady Gaga Bradley Cooper chords
Lady Gaga
Bradley Cooper
tone [G]
Verse 1:
Em7Tell me someD/F#thing Ggirl...
C Are you happy in this moGdern Dworld?
Em7 Or do you D/F#need Gmore?
C Is there something else you’re searchGing Dfor?
Verse 2:
Em7I’m D/F#fall-Gin'
C In all the good times I
Gfind myDself longin'Em7 D/F#for Gchange
C And in the bad times I Gfeel myDself Em7 D/F# G
Em7 D/F# G
Verse 3:
Em7Tell me someD/F#thing bGoy...
C Aren’t you tired trying Gfill that Dvoid
Em7 Or do you D/F#need Gmore?
C Ain’t it hard keeping it Gso hardDcore
Verse 4:
Em7I’m D/F#fall-Ging
C In all the good times I
Gfind myDself longin'Em7 D/F#for Gchange
C And in the bad times I Gfeel myDself
AmI’m off the deep end, D/F#watch as I dive in
GI’ll never mD/F#eet the gEmround
AmCrash through the surface, D/F#where they can’t hurt us
We’re Gfar from the D/F#shallow Emnow
Am In the shallow, D/F#shallow
G In the Dshallow, shalEmlow
Am In the shallow, D/F#shallow
We’re Gfar from the Dshallow Emnow
Em BmWooaaDaah
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