Simple Song - The Shins chords

Key: D Singer/Band: The Shins
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421

DWell this is Ajust a Dsimple Asong
DTo say Awhat you've DdoneA
DI told Ayou about Dall those fearsA
DAnd away Athey did Drun
You Asure must be GstrongG
And you Gfeel like an ocean
Made warm by the DsunA D A
DWhen AI was Djust 9 years Aold
DI Aswear that DI dreamtA
DYour Aface Don a football fieldA
DAnd a Akiss that I Dkept
AUnder Gmy vestG
Apart Gfrom everything but the heart in my DchestA
BmI know that Dthings can really get Grough
When you go it Galone
BmDon't go Dthinking you gotta be Gtough
And play like a Gstone
BmCould be there's Dnothing else in our
Glives so critical Gas this little G Dhome
DMy Alife in Dan upturned Aboat
DMarooned Aon a DcliffA
DYou Abrought me Da great big Aflood
DAnd you Agave me a DliftA
Girl, Gwhat a gift. GAnd you tell me
with your Gtongue and your breath was in my Glungs
And you Bmfloat over the rift
BmI know that Dthings can really get Grough
When you go it Galone
BmDon't go Dthinking you gotta be Gtough
And play like a Gstone
BmCould be there's Dnothing else in our G
lives so critical Gas this little G Dhome
G Bm G D
G Bm G G
DWell this'll Abe a Dsimple Asong
DTo say Awhat you've DdoneA
DI told Ayou about Dall those fearsA
DAnd away Athey did Drun
You Asure must be GstrongG
And you Gfeel like an ocean
Made warm by the DsunA D A
BmRemember Dwalking a mile to your Ghouse
Aglow in the Gdark
BmI made a Dfumblin' play for your Gheart
And the act struck a Gspark
BmYou wore a Dcharm on a chain that I Gstole
Especially for Gyou
BmLove's just a Ddelicate thing that we Gdo
We've nothing to Gprove
Which I never GknewD
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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