Sister Golden Hair - America chords
[Tone]Capp [C]on 4th fret
Am F Csus4 Em Am G F
Well, I Ctried to make it Sunday, but I Emgot so damn depressed,
that I sFet my sights on MConday and I gEmot myself undressed
I ain't Fready for the Dmaltar, but I Amdo aEmgree there's tiFmes,
when a Dmwoman sure can Fbe a friend of CCsus4mine C
Well, I Ckeep on thinkin' 'bout you, Sister EmGolden Hair surprise,
and I jFust can't live withoCut you; can't you sEmee it in my eyes?
I been oFne poor correspDmondent, and I been tAmoo, too Emhard to
but it dDmoesn't mean you aFin't been on my mCind
Will you mGeet me in the middle, will you mFeet me in the aCir?
Will you loGve me just a little, just enFough to show you cCare?
Well I tDmried to fake it, I dEmon't mind sayin', I jFust can't make it
Am F Csus4 Em Am G F
Well, I Ckeep on thinkin' 'bout you, Sister EmGolden Hair surprise,
and I jFust can't live withCout you; can't you sEmee it in my eyes?
I been Fone poor Dmcorrespondent, and I been Amtoo, too hEmard to
but it dDmoesn't mean you aFin't been on my mCind
Will you mGeet me in the middle, will you mFeet me in the aCir?
Will you lGove me just a little, just enFough to show you cCare?
Well I tDmried to fake it, I dEmon't mind sayin', I jFust can't make it
DGoo wop shoo wop, Doo wop shoo wop, DFoo wop shoo wop, DCoo wop shoo
DGoo wop shoo wop, Doo wop shoo wop, DFoo wop shoo wop, DCoo wop shoo
DGoo wop shoo wop, Doo wop shoo wop, DFoo wop shoo wop, DCoo wop shoo
DGoo wop shoo wop, Doo wop shoo wop, DFoo wop shoo wop, DCoo wop shoo
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