Snowflake - Sia chords

Key: C Singer/Band: Sia
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132

Capo 3
Verse 1:
C GSnowflake I Ccatch you to- Fnight
GCatch you and Ckeep you on Fice, my love
GSnowflake you Cknow you're the Amonly Done
FThere's no one like you, so GI'm gonna hide you
My Amsweet
FKeep you till winter when Gyou won't be needing Cme
GSnowflake I'm Ctrying to Fkeep you safe
You Ggave me your Ctrust and I Fwant you safe
GSnowflake you Cknow I've Amgot your Dback
FThere's no one like you, so GI'm gonna hide you
My Amsweet
FKeep you to winter when Gyou won't be needing Cme
FChristmas Cday your Gfreedom Amcomes
FUnpro- Ctected Gfrom the Amsun
FBy then Cyou'll be Gcold, and now Am
For Fme to send you Coff with love G
Snowflake Cdon't for- Fget us
GSnowflake Cdon't for- Fget us
GSnowflake Cdon't for- Amget us D
If FI were a betting man GI'd bet a million on Amyou
There's Fno way around this, the Gonly way now is Cthrough
Verse 2:
GSnowflake now Cyou're on Fyour own
I Glove you, I Cknow you're Fjust here alone
You're Gbest and Csoon you'll be Amon your Dway
FThere's no one like you, so GI'll cry myself here Amto sleep
I Fkept you till winter now Gyou won't be needing Cme
FChristmas Cday your Gfreedom Amcomes
FUnpro- Ctected Gfrom the Amsun
FBy then Cyou'll be Gcold, and now Am
For Fme to send you Coff with love G
Snowflake Cdon't for- Fget us
GSnowflake Cdon't for- Fget us
GSnowflake Cdon't for- Amget us D
If FI were a betting man GI'd bet a million on Amyou
There's Fno way around this, the Gonly way now is Cthrough
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