Someone Is Praying For You - Heritage Singers chords
Heritage Singers
Intro: [D] [G] [D] [F#] [Bm] [E] [Asus4] [A7]
Verse 1:
Have the Dcrowds round you Ggathered in the midstD of Athe Dstorm?
Is your Dship tossed and Gbattered, are you Dweary Aand Dworn?
Don't lose Dhope.
Someone's D7praying for Gyou this very Emday
And peace be Astill, is already on theD wayA7
DSomeone is Gpraying for DyouF#.
BmSomeone is Epraying for Asus4youA7
So when it Dseems you're all Galone,
And your F#mheart will break in Bmtwo.
Remember Dsomeone is prayingA for Dyou
Verse 2:
When it Dseems that you've G
prayed till your Dstrength is Aall Dgone
And your Dtears fall like rainGdrops Dall the Aday Dlong.
Jesus Dcares and He D7knows just how Gmuch you can Embear
He'll speak your Aname to someone in DprayerA7
DSomeone is Gpraying for DyouF#.
BmSomeone is Epraying for Asus4youA7
So when it Dseems you're all Galone,
And your F#mheart will break in Bmtwo.
Remember Dsomeone is prayingA for Dyou
Chorus 2:
D#Someone is G#praying for youD# F#.
CmSomeone is Fpraying for A#sus4youA#7
So when it D#seems you're all G#alone,
And your Gmheart will break in Cmtwo
Remember D#someone is prayingA# for D#youCm
Remember D#someone is prayingA# for D#you...
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