Sorry For The Stupid Things - Babyface chords
Capo 1
F...Sometimes we wish for the Cbetter
When Dmwe have it good as it Amgets
BbSometimes the grass isn't greeFner
As soon Gmas we find out, we Cforget
AmSometimes a fool doesn't Dmknow he's a fool
AmSometimes a dog, he don't Dmknow he's a dog
BbSometimes I do stuFpid things to you
When I Bbreally don't mean it Cat all
Sometimes a Fman is gon' be a Cman
Its not an exDmcuse, its just how itAm is
Sometimes a Bbwrong, don't know that they Fwrong
Sometimes the Gmstrong, ain't always so Cstrong
Sometimes a Fgirl is gon' be a Cgirl
She don't want Dmto deal with all the drama in your Amworld
God knows I don't Bbmean to give it to Fyou
So girl, I'm Gmsorry for the stupid Cthings
I wish I didn't do but I Fdo
(Đoạn cuối lên nửa tone)
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