Take My Life - Austin Burke chords
Austin Burke
Capo 3
AmI was always Gjust a dollar Cshort and a day Flate
But you Amgave me all the Greasons that I Cneeded to change my Fways
You Amgave me the Ganswers to Cprayers I was praying
You Fgave me the grace when I needed saving
The Amleast that I can Ggive you is a Clittle more than everyFthing
Take my Fdays Take my nights Take my Chand And hold on tight
GTake it Amslow, drink it up to the last drop Take a Ggamble all in on
the long shot
Take my Fbreath and my last name Take a Cchance on forever babe
GAnd AmI’ll give you Gall I got 'Ctill the day I Fdie
Take my Amlife G C C F
Yeah, take my Amlife G C C F
AmGive me all the Gmoney in the Cworld, girl wouldn’t add Fup
Go on Amstack it to the Gsky And it'd Cstill fall short of your Flove,
yea it would
So Amgive me a Gbad day CGive me some bad news It Fdon’t matter 'cause
baby I got you
AmWhat’s a Gman to give to a Cwoman that gives so Fmuch, so much
Take my Fdays Take my nights Take my Chand And hold on tight
GTake it Amslow, drink it up to the last drop Take a Ggamble all in on
the long shot
Take my Fbreath and my last name Take a Cchance on forever babe
GAnd AmI’ll give you Gall I got 'Ctill the day I Fdie
Take my Amlife G C C F
Yeah, take my Amlife G C C F
Take my Fdays Take my nights Take my Chand And hold on tight
GTake it Amslow, drink it up to the last drop Take a Ggamble all in on
the long shot
Take my Fbreath and my last name Take a Cchance on forever babe
GAnd AmI’ll give you Gall I got 'Ctill the day I Fdie
Take my Amlife G C C F
Yeah, take my Amlife G C C F
AmI was always Gjust a dollar Cshort and a day Flate
But you Amgave me all the Greasons that I Cneeded to change my Fways
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