talking to ghosts (i wrote a song for you) - Olivia Ruby chords
Olivia Ruby
[G] [C] [G] [Am] [Em] [C] [G]
Gi've been, Cfeeling Gdizzy
Ammeeting Gsecretly Cwith Gme
Gevery night Ci keep Gwasting time
Aminside this Emroom of mine
prisoned Cwith Gmyyyy
Gups and Cdowns, Amhigh and Glows
i'm Ctalking Gto Dall my ghosts
oh Emwhere did I Ggo?
Gups and Cdowns, Amhigh and Glows
i'm Ctalking Amto all my, all my ghosts
Amoh Emwhere did I Ggo?
cause i'm Ctalking Amto all my Gghosts
and i Cdon't know Amwhere i Ggo
Gsilence is Cvery Gloud
i've Amlearned that Gnow
cause i Ampushed them Gaway...
Gplease, CunderGstand why
i Amdo what I Bmdo
and it's Amnot to Ghurt you
but it's Amnot to Ghurt you
cause i Amwant you to Gsay
but i Amcan't even Gsay it
prisoned with Gmyyyy
Gups and Cdowns, Amhigh and Glows
i'm Ctalking Gto Amall my ghosts
oh Cwhere did I Ggo?
Gups and Cdowns, Amhigh and Glows
i'm Ctalking to Amall my ghosts
oh Cwhere did I Ggo?
now i'm Ctalking to your ghosts
Emwhere did I Ggo?
Emwhere did I Ggo?
Emwhere did I Ggo?
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