The Cave - Mumford & Sons chords
Mumford & Sons
It's empty in the Amvalley of your Cheart
The sun, it rises Amslowly as you Cwalk
Away from all the Amfears
And all the Cfaults you've Gleft Cbehind F C
The harvest left no Amfood for you to Ceat
You cannibal, you Ammeat-eater, you Csee
But I have seen the Amsame
I know the Cshame in Gyour Cdefeat F C
But CI will Fhold on Chope
And CI won't Flet you Cchoke
FOn the noose Caround your Gneck
And AmI'll find Fstrength in Cpain
And AmI will Fchange my Cways
FI'll know my Cname as it's Gcalled again
Cause I have Amother things to fill my Ctime
You take what is Amyours and I'll take Cmine
Now let me at the Amtruth
Which will refCresh my brGoken miCnd F C
So tie me to a Ampost and block my Cears
I can see Amwidows and orphans through my Ctears
I know my call despite my Amfaults
And Cdespite my Ggrowing Cfears F C
But CI will Fhold on Chope
And CI won't Flet you Cchoke
FOn the noose Caround your Gneck
And AmI'll find Fstrength in Cpain
And AmI will Fchange my Cways
FI'll know my Cname as it's Gcalled again
So come out of your Amcave walking on your Chands
And see the world Amhanging upside Cdown
You can understand Amdependence
When you Cknow the Gmaker's Chand F C
So Cmake your Fsiren's Ccall
And Csing Fall you Cwant
I Fwill not Chear what you Ghave to say
Cause AmI need Ffreedom Cnow
AmAnd I Fneed to know Chow
To Flive my Clife as it's Gmeant to be
But CI will Fhold on Chope
And CI won't Flet you Cchoke
FOn the noose Caround Gyour neck
And AmI'll find Fstrength in Cpain
And AmI will Fchange my Cways
FI'll know my Cname as it's Gcalled again
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