The Other Side - Parachute chords
Intro 2x : [D] [A] [G] [D] [A] [Bm] [G] [D]
DI feel the Abeat of your Gheart on my Dskin
As I Acount all the Bmbreaths that I Gwatched you breathe Din
I can still taste the kAiss that you lGeft on my lDips
In the Asilence, Bmcomes the sleep
Like the Atide comes to the Bmbeach
So darling DI can't Await for Gyou to wake Dup
AI wanna Bmbe there when you Gopen your Deyes
Darling don't look Aback no Gneed to Dworry
AI'll be here Bmwaiting on the Gother Dside
DOn Athe Gother Dside
AYeah I'll be here waBmiting on the oGther sDide
DOn tAhe otGher siDde
AYeah I'll be here waiBmting on the oGther sDide
So go make your wAay through the drGeams that you drDeam
Darling Ayou can take Bmall of the tGime that you nDeed
You know you're not Aalone as you Bmswim through the Ddeep
Like a Aship calls through the Bmfog
You won't Ahear me 'till you're Bmgone
So darling DI can't wAait for yGou to wakDe up
AI wanna Bmbe there when you Gopen your Deyes
Darling don't look baAck no nGeed to wDorry
IA'll be here waBmiting on the oGther siDde
So darling I can't Await for Gyou to wake Dup
AI wanna Bmbe there when you Gopen your Deyes
Darling don't look bAack no nGeed to woDrry
AI'll be here waBmiting on the oGther sDide
DOn tAhe otGher sDide
AYeah I'll be here waiBmting on the oGther siDde
DOn tAhe otGher siDde
AYeah I'll be here waiBmting on the otGher siDde
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