There's a kind of hush - The Carpenters chords
The Carpenters
There's a Dkind of hush F#7All over the Bmworld to- D7night
All over the Gworld you can hear the A7sounds of lovers in Dlove
You know what I A7mean
Just the Dtwo of us F#7and nobody Bmelse in D7sight
There's nobody Gelse and I'm feeling A7good just holding you Dtight
So Glisten very Emcarefully
Get F#7closer now and Emyou will see what I Amean
It isn't a A7dream
The Gonly sound that Emyou will hear
Is F#7when I whisper in your Emear
I love Ayou, forever and A7ever
There's a Dkind of hush F#7All over the Bmworld to- D7night
All over the Gworld you can hear the A7sounds of lovers in Dlove
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