They Don't Know - Jason Aldean chords

Key: Am Singer/Band: Jason Aldean
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

Capo 1
AmThey call us a two lane just passing Fby slow down CGtown
Yeah tAmhey say what's thFere to do when yCou ain't got nothin'
Just a fAmew street lights, sFpeed limit signs thCat all say 2G5
But Amthose folks ain't Flived Cin our lGives
They ain't sAmeen the blFood sweat and tears it tCook to liGve their
When eFverything's on the lCineG
Ain't just another fAmield, just another faFrm, no, it's the gCround we
grew up oGn
They thAmink it's a miFddle of nowhere pClace where we take it slGow
Aw but they don't Amknow
All they see is tAmractors, barFbwire and taCll green grGass
They don't Amsee the years spent woFrking, bCusting their aGss
How they pAmray for rain they don't kFnow a thiCngG
AAmbout what it tFakes livin' thisC wGay
They ain't sAmeen the blFood sweat and tears it tCook to liGve their
When eFverything's on the lCineG
Ain't just another fAmield, just another faFrm, no, it's the gCround we
grew up oGn
They thAmink it's a miFddle of nowhere pClace where we take it slGow
Aw but they don't Amknow
AmThey call us a two lane just passing Fby slow down CGtown
Yeah tAmhey say what's thFere to do when yCou ain't got nothin'
They ain't sAmeen the blFood sweat and tears it tCook to liGve their
When eFverything's on the lCineG
Ain't just another fAmield, just another faFrm, no, it's the gCround we
grew up oGn
They thAmink it's a miFddle of nowhere pClace where we take it slGow
Aw but they don't Amknow
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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