This Afternoon - Nickelback chords
Intro [G] [D] [C] [D] [G] [D] [C] [D]
GLooking like another Bob DMarley day
CHitting from the bong like a Ddiesel train
And im Gdown with hanging Dout this Cafternoon D
GWe got weeds in the back Dyard 4 feet tall
CCheech and Chong probably Dwould have smoked them all
So im Gout, on the Dcouch this Cafternoon D
Gbeer bottles laying on the Dkitchen floor
If we Ctake 'em all back we can Dbuy some more
So i dGoubt we'll go wDithout this aCfternoon DOh!
CBetter hang on if your Dtagging along
Cos Gwe’ll be doing this till Em6 in the morning
CNothing wrong with going Gall night long
Tough to Dput the brakes on doesn’t matter when you got to
EmGet up, go Dout
GMe and all my Cfriends
EmDrink up, Dfall down
GWe’ll do it Call again
Just sitting Garound, Dhanging out this Cafternoon D
GThe landlord says i should Dbuy a tent
But he can Ckiss my ass cos i Dpaid my rent
So i dGoubt, he’ll kick me oDut this afCternoon D
GDown on the corner in a Dseedy bar
CJukebox cranking out the DCCR
Had a fGew, to suzyDQ, this afCternoon D
CBetter hang on if your Dtagging along
Cos Gwe’ll be doing this till Em6 in the morning
CNothing wrong with going Gall night long
Tough to Dput the brakes on doesn’t matter when you got to
EmGet up, go Dout
GMe and all my Cfriends
EmDrink up, Dfall down
GWe’ll do it Call again
GMe and all my Cfriends
EmDrink up, Dfall down
GWe’ll do it Call again
Just sitting Garound, hanging Dout this Cafternoon D
don't want a Cwristwatch, or Dalarm clock to Gsee what time it Cis
CFrom the moment i wake Dup, i just love Gbeing with my Cfriends
CWe barely get by, but Dhave the best times and Ghope it never Cends
CWe drink all day until wDe fall down, so we can dGo it all agCain
G Its the human Drace
If we were Cliving on the edge taking Dtoo much space
So i Gdoubt i’ll figure Dout just what to Cdo D
But kicking Garound hanging Dout this Cafternoon D
CBetter hang on if your Dtagging along
Cos Gwe’ll be doing this till Em6 in the morning
CNothing wrong with going Gall night long
Tough to Dput the brakes on doesn’t matter when you got to
EmGet up, go Dout
GMe and all my Cfriends
EmDrink up, Dfall down
GWe’ll do it Call again
GMe and all my Cfriends
EmDrink up, Dfall down
GWe’ll do it Call again
Just kickin aGround, hanging oDut this afCternoon D
Just sitting Garound, hanging Dout this Cafternoon D
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