Tuesday - James Arthur chords
James Arthur
Tone: [A] Capo: 2
And I can’t AEmwait. I can’t Bmwait for ETuesday.
And I can’t ABmwait. I can’t Dwait for ETuesday.
AWednesday morning and I [Amajor]roll out of bed
I Csteal a kiss and I Bmwish we we’re wed
AWe both lead [Amajor]separate lives.
CYou see the days Bmand I own the nights
And the Ataxi comes to [Amajor]take me away
Conly six more days to Bmearn my pay
pre chorus
and I’m Acounting down from the [Amajor]moment we part
and Cyour eyes tell me Dmlook after my heart
And I can’t AEmwait. I can’t Bmwait for ETuesday.
And I can’t ABmwait. I can’t Dwait for ETuesday.
The Ahotel lobbies all [Amajor]blend into one
I Cfight to get people to Bmhear my songs
APromises fall as [Amajor]fast as they come
I keep Ctelling myself that Bmthis is the one
That will Abring us together [Amajor]everyday
and the CPRS will Bmbecome my pay
pre chorus
I will Abuy you a house, [Amajor]close to the sea
we’ll have C23 kids and a Dmmoney tree.
And I can’t AEmwait. I can’t Bmwait for ETuesday.
And I can’t ABmwait. I can’t Dwait for ETuesday.
F You pray to F3Buddha and I talk to Agod.
F That one day the F3radio ADJ will play my songs.
And I can’t AEmwait. I can’t Bmwait for ETuesday.
And I can’t ABmwait. I can’t Dwait for ETuesday.
AMonday morning and I [Amajor]roll out of bed
only C24 hours until I Bmsee you again.
It Aseems like a lifetime since I [Amajor]touched your face
CBut I’ll soon be happy Bmbecause it’s Tuesday Aagain
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