War Child - The Cranberries chords

Key: A Singer/Band: The Cranberries
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo

AWho has saved the Dwar child baby?
AWho controls the Dkey?
The Aweb we weave is Dthick and sordid
DFine Eby Ame
At Atimes of war we're Dall the losers
AThere's no Dvictory
We Ashoot to kill and Dkill your lover
DFine Eby Ame
AWar Dchild, victim Aof political Dpride
Plant the Aseed, territorial Dgreed
DMind the Ewar Achild, we should Dmind the Ewar Achild
I Aspent last winter Din New York and Acame upon a Dman
He was Asleeping on the Dstreets and homeless
He said D"I Efought in AVietnam"
ABeneath his shirt he Dwore
the mark, he Abore the mark with Dpride
A Atwo-inch-deep Dincision, carved DEinto his Aside
AWar Dchild, victim Aof political Dpride
Plant the Aseed, territorial Dgreed
DMind the Ewar Achild, we should mDind the wEar cAhild
AWho's the loser Dnow? Hey
AWho's the loser Dnow?
We're Aall the losers Dnow
We're Aall the losers Dnow
A EWar Achild
A EWar Achild
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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