Washington square - Counting Crows chords
Counting Crows
Tone gốc E: Capo 4 Intro : [C] [Am] [Gm] [F] [C] [A#] [F] [C]
CI sold my Ampiano
It couldn’t come Gmwith Fme
I locked up my Cbedroom
and I walked out into the A# Fair
When nothing I C Amneeded
is left there Gmbehind Fme
I walk out through the C A#shadows
Of FWashington CSquare
Now I wander the C
highway Amfrom Dublin to Gm FBerkeley
and I heard the C
songbirds of Valley A# FPaurine
I loved like a C Amfountain
and it left me with Gm Fnothing
just the memories of C
walking A#through FWashington CSquare
Now I live in the C Amshadows
where light is Gm Felectric
and time is a Cnumber
that rests on a A# Fwall
Nobody knows C Amme
my friends and my Gm Ffamily
are as far from this C A#city
as FWashington CSquare
C Am Gm F
C A# F C
So cover this Cwarm Amnight
in a blanket of Gm Fstarlight
And I'll follow this Cfreeway
out into the A# Fair
in case you should C Amwonder
and wanted to Gmfind Fme
I’m traveling Chomeward A#to FWashington CSquare
I’m traveling Chomeward to Washington CSquare
C Am Gm FWashington CSquare
Am Gm Fashington CSquare Gm F C
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