We Are One (World Cup 2014) - Pitbull chords
CPut your flags up in the Amsky
And wave them side to D Bside
Show the world where you're Am Gfrom
Show the world we are C Done
Ole Cole ole Amola
Ole Dole ole Bola
Ole Amole ole Gola
Ole Cole ole Dola
When the going gets tough
The tough get going
One love, one life, one world
One fight, whole world, one night, one place
Brazil, everybody put your
flags in the sky and do what you feel
CIt's your world, my world, our world Amtoday
And we invite the whole
world, whole world to Dplay
It's your world, my world, our world Btoday
And we invite the whole
world, whole world to Amplay
Es mi mundo, tu mundo, Gel mundo de Cnosotros
Invitamos a todo el mundo Da jugar con nosotros
CPut your flags up in the Amsky
And wave them side to D Bside
Show the world where you're Am Gfrom
Show the world we are C Done
Ole Cole ole Amola
Ole Dole ole Bola
Ole Amole ole Gola
Ole Cole ole Dola
One night watch the world unite
Two sides, one fight and a million eyes
Full heart's gonna work so hard
Shoot all the stars
Fists raised up towards the sky
Tonight watch the world
unite, world unite, world unite
For the fight, fight, fight, one night
Watch the world unite
Two sides, one fight and a million eyes
CHey, hey, hey, forza Amforza come and sing with Dme
Hey, hey, hey, ole Bola come shout it out with Amme
Hey, hey, hey, come on Gnow
Hey, hey, hey, come on Cnow
Hey, hey, hey, hey, Dhey
CPut your flags up in the Amsky
And wave them side to D Bside
Show the world where you're Am Gfrom
Show the world we are C Done
Ole Cole ole Amola
Ole Dole ole Bola
Ole Amole ole Gola
Ole Cole ole Dola
Claudia Leitte, obrigado
GÉ meu, Fé seu
EHoje é Dtudo nosso
AmQuando chega o mundo inteiro pra
jogar é pra Gmostrar que eu Bposso
AmTorcer, chorar, Gsorrir, gritar
AmNão importar o resultado, Dvamos extravasar
CPut your flags up in the Amsky
And wave them side to D Bside
Show the world where you're Am Gfrom
Show the world we are C Done
Ole Cole ole Amola
Ole Dole ole Bola
Ole Amole ole Gola
Ole Cole ole Dola
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