You're On Your Own, Kid - Taylor Swift chords
Taylor Swift
Capo 2
CSummer went away Still the yearning stays EmI play it cool with the
Fbest of them
CI wait patiently He’s gonna notice me EmIt’s ok, we’re the Fbest of
FAnyway CI hear it in your voice You’re smoking with your boys
EmI touch my Fphone as if it’s your Cface I didn’t choose this town I
dream of getting out
EmThere’s just Fone who could make me Cstay All my days
FFrom sprinkler Gsplashes To fireplace Cashes I waited Amages to see
you Fthere
I search the Gparty Of better Cbodies Just to Amlearn that you never
You’re on your own, Gkid you always have Cbeen
CI see the great escape so long, Daisy May EmI picked the petals, he
lFoves me not
CSomething different bloomed writing in my room EmI play my songs Fin
the parking lot
G...I’ll Frun away
FFrom sprinkler Gsplashes To fireplace Cashes I waited Amages to see
you Fthere
I search the Gparty Of better Cbodies Just to Amlearn that you never
You’re on your own, Gkid you always have Cbeen F G C Am F G
FFrom sprinkler sGplashes To fireplace Cashes
I gave my Amblood, sweat and tears forF this
I hosted Gparties and starved my Cbody Like I’d be saved by a perfect
The jokes weren’t Gfunny I took the Cmoney
My friends from Amhome don’t know what to Fsay
I looked aGround in a blood-soaked Cgown
And I saw something they can’t take aFway
Cause there were pages Gturned with the bridges Cburned
Everything you Amlose is a step you Ftake
So make the friendship Gbracelets take the moment and Ctaste it
You’ve got no reason to be aFfraid
You’re on your Gown, kid F...Yeah, you can Gface this F
You’re on your Gown, kid tou always have Cbeen
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