A 1000 Times - Hamilton Leithauser chords
Hamilton Leithauser
tone Hamilton Leithauser: [G]
I had a Amdream that you were Dmine
I’ve had that Gdream a thousand Ctimes
A thousand Amtimes, a thousand Dtimes
I’ve had that Gdream a thousand Ctimes
(Verse 1)
I left my Amroom, on the west Dside
I walked from Gnoon, until the Cnight
I changed my Amcrowd, I ditched my Dtie
I watched the Gsparks, fly off the Cfire
I found your Amhouse, I didn’t even Dtry
They’d closed the Gshutters , they’d pulled the Cblinds
My eyes were Amred, the streets were Dbright
Those ancient Gyears, were black and Cwhite
(Bridge 1)
The Am10th of DNovember, the GYears almost Cover
If AmI had your Dnumber, I’d Gcall you Ctomorrow
If Ammy eyes were Dopen, I’d be Gkicking the Cdoors in
But Amall that I Dhave is this Gold dream I’ve always Chad
A thousand Amtimes, a thousand Dtimes
I’ve had that Gdream a thousand Ctimes
A thousand Amtimes, a thousand Dtimes
I’ve had that Gdream a thousand Ctimes
(Verse 2)
I left my Amroom, on the west Dside
I walked from Gnoon, through theC night
I changed my Amcrowd, I ditched my Dtie
I watched the Gsparks, fly off the Cfire
I found your old Amhouse, I didn’t even Dtry
They’d closed the Gshutters, they’d pulled the Cblinds
I had a Amdream that you were Dmine
I’ve had that Gdream a thousand Ctimes
(Bridge 2)
But I Amdon’t answer Dquestions, I Gjust keep on Cguessing
My Ameyes are still Dopen, the Gcurtains are Cclosing
And Amall that I Dhave is this Gold dream I must Chave had.
A thousand Amtimes, a thousand Dtimes
I’ve had that Gdream a thousand Ctimes
A thousand Amtimes, a thousand Dtimes
I’ve had that Gdream a thousand Ctimes
A thousand Amtimes, a thousand Dtimes
I’ve had that Gdream a thousand Ctimes
A thousand Amtimes, a thousand Dtimes
I’ve had that Gdream a thousand Ctimes
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