Times Of Your Life - Paul Anka chords
Paul Anka
Good Gmorning, CyesterGday C
You Gwake up Cand time has Gslipped away C
And Amsuddenly it's Ghard to find
The Cmemories you Dleft behind
EmRemember, A7do you D7remember?
The Glaughter Cand the Gtears C
The Gshadows Cof misty Gyesteryears C
The Amgood times and the Gbad you've seen
And Call the others Din between
Re Emmember, A7do you re D7member?
The times of your Glife? (do you remember?)
Reach Dmout for the Gjoy and the Csorrow F
BmPut them a E7way in your Amind D
The Ammemories are Dtime that you Gborrow C
To Gmspend when you G#mget to to Ammorrow D
Here Gcomes the Csaddest Gpart (comes the Csaddest part)
The Gseasons Care passing Gone by one C
So Amgather moments Gwhile you may
Col Clect the dreams you Ddream today
Re Emmember, A7do you re D7member?
The times of your Glife?
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