Bubblegum - Clairo chords
Tone [G] Capo 2
Csorry Di didn'tG kiss yoEmu
Cbut it's obvious i Dwanted toG
Cbubble gumD down myG throat Em& its a curse
Cbut my luck Dcouldnt get anGy worse
Ccus i swalloDwed the Gbubble gEmum
Coh & these 7D years will bGe pretty dumb
Cpink flowDers growG from my sEmkin
Cpepto bismalD veins & i Ggrin
Cyou look soD nice inG your shiEmrt
Cits sad becaDuse it just Ghurts
Cid do aDnythingG for yEmou
Cbut would Dyou do that Gfor me too?
Ccus i swalloDwed the Gbubble gEmum
Coh & these 7D years will bGe pretty dumb
Cpink flowDers growG from my sEmkin
Cpepto bismalD veins & i Ggrin
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