Christmas Got Colder - Anson Seabra chords
Anson Seabra
F Am Dm
Bb F C
FChristmas Amgot colder Dmwithout you
BbI know that it’sF sad but it’s Ctrue
Now I’m Fwatching the Csnow fall
AWaiting for a phone Dmcall
BbBut I know that Cit won’t beF from you
And the Fsleigh bells gotAm softer Dmwithout you
They Bb don’t Fcarry quite Cthe same tune
And as I Fwait for the Creindeer
Wish Ayou would’veDm stayed here
'Cause BbDecemberC is betterF with two
All the Bbleaves fell from Fthe trees
We wereC never Dmevergreen
Guess it Bbwasn’t meant Fto be for me andC you
The Ffire justAm faded withoutDm you
There’sBb nothing Fto light upC the room
The Fway that your Ceyes did
When Ayou’d get Dmexcited
When weBb dancedC to old Christmas Ftunes
AndF Santa wasAm asking aboutDm you
When he Bbmade hisF way downC from the roof
And he Ffilled up yourC stocking
Before AI could Dmstop him
And Bbtell him youC found somewhere Fnew
All the Bbleaves fell from Fthe trees
We wereC never Dmevergreen
Guess it Bbwasn’t meant Fto be forme and C you
Now theBb best night of theF year
Is just a Amnight where you’re notDm here
Might be Bbwhite outside butF I’m just feelingC blue
FChristmas got Amcolder withoutDm you
IBb know that it’sF sad but it’sC true
Now I’mF watching the Csnow fall
AWaiting for a Dm phone call
But IBb know that it Cwon’t be from Fyou
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