Cornerstone - Hillsong Worship chords
Hillsong Worship
Intro: (Interlude) [C] [Am] [F] [G]
Verse 1
CMy hope is built on nothing less
FThan Jesus' blood and Grighteousness
AmI dare not trust the Gsweetest frame
FBut wholly Gtrust in Jesus Cname
Verse 2
CWhen darkness seems to hide His face
FI rest on His unchanging Ggrace
AmIn every high and Gstormy gale
FMy anchor Gholds within the Cveil
Christ Falone, Amcornerstone G
C/EWeak made strong Fin the AmSavior's Glove
C/EThrough the Fstorm
AmHe is FLord, Lord of Call
Verse 3
CHis oath, His covenant, His blood
FSupport me in the 'whelming Gflood
AmWhen all around my Gsoul gives way
FHe then is Gall my hope and Cstay
FHe then is Gall my hope and Cstay
FChrist alone, Amcornerstone G
C/EWeak made strong Fin the AmSavior's Glove
C/EThrough the Fstorm
AmHe is GLord, Lord of Call
( AmHe is Lord
Lord of all F G)Interlude
FChrist alone, Amcornerstone G
C/EWeak made strong Fin the AmSavior's Glove
C/EThrough the Fstorm
AmHe is GLord, Lord of Call
Interlude Softly
CWhen He shall come with trumpet sound
FOh, may I then in GHim be found
AmDressed in His righteous- Gness alone
FFaultless, Gstand before the Cthrone
(Instrumental Back To Chorus)
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