Desert Song - Hillsong Worship chords
Hillsong Worship
[Tone]Capo [C]on 2nd fret
Am G F C Am G F F
AmThis is my Gprayer in the Fdesert C
When Amall that’s Gwithin me feels Fdry C
AmThis is my Gprayer in my Fhunger and Cneed
My AmGod is the GGod who Fprovides
AmThis is my Gprayer in the Ffire C
In Amweakness or Gtrial or Fpain C
AmThere is a Gfaith proved of Fmore worth than Cgold
So Amrefine me C/ELord through the Fflame
And I will bring Cpraise, I will bring Gpraise
No weapon Fformed against me shall Cremain
G/BI will Grejoice, I will Amdeclare
God is my Fvictory and GHe is Amhere
(play intro)
Am G F C Am G F F
AmThis is my Gprayer in the Fbattle C
When Amtriumph is Gstill on its Fway C
AmI am a Gconqueror and Fco-heir with CChrist
So Amfirm on His Gpromise I'll Fstand
Csus4All of my Clife, Csus4In every Cseason
AmYou are still God
I have a reason to Gsing
FI have a reason to Cworship
AmThis is my Gprayer in the Fharvest [(C)]
When Amfavor and Gprovidence Fflow [(C)]
AmI know I'm Gfilled to be Femptied [(C)]again
The Amseed I've Greceived I will Fsow
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