Do You Have Room? - Shawna Edwards chords
Shawna Edwards
Capo 1
They journeyed Cfar, A weary Fpair,
They sought for Cshelter From the cold night Gair.
Some place where Cshe Could lay her Fhead,
Where she could Ggive Her Babe a quiet Cbed.
Was there no Froom? No corner Cthere?
In all the Ftown a Amspot SomeDmone could Gspare?
Was there no Csoul Come to their Faid?
A stable Gbare was where The family Cstayed.
Do you have Froom For the CSavior?, And do you Gseek Him aCnew?
Have you a Fplace for the COne who lived and Dmdied for Gyou?
Are you as Fhumble as a CShepherd Boy, Or as E7Wise as Men of AmOld?
Would you have Fcome that night? Would you have Gsought the light?
Do you have Croom?
A star aCrose, a wondrous Flight
A sign from CGod this was the Holy GNight
And yet so Cfew would go to Fsee
The babe who Gcame to rescue you and Cme.
This child diFvine is now a CKing
The gift of Flife to Amall the Dmworld He Gbrings
And all man Ckind He saves from Fdoom
But on that Gnight for Him there was no Croom
Do you have Froom For the CSavior?, And do you Gseek Him aCnew?
Have you a Fplace for the COne who lived and Dmdied for Gyou?
Are you as Fhumble as a CShepherd Boy, Or as E7Wise as Men of AmOld?
Would you have Fcome that night? Would you have Gsought the light?
Do you have Croom?
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