Don't Cry - Guns N' Roses chords
Guns N' Roses
Intro [Am] [Dm] [G] [C] [G/B] [Am] [Dm] [G] [Am]
Verse 1
Am Talk to me Dmsoftly
GThere's something in your Ceyes G/B
Am Don't hang your Dmhead in sorrow
G And please don't Ccry G/B
Am I know how you Dmfeel inside, I've
G I've been there CbeG/Bfore
Am Somethin' is Dmchangin' inside you
G And don't you Cknow G/B Am
F Don't you Gcry Amtonight, I still love you baby
F Don't you Gcry Amtonight
F Don't you Gcry Cto
night, there's a G/Bheaven Amabove you Gbaby
F And don't you Gcry Amtonight
Verse 2
Am Give me a Dmwhisper
G And give me a Csigh G/B
Am Give me a Dmkiss before you
G Tell me Cgoodbye G/B
Am Don't you Dmtake it so hard now
G And please don't take it so Cbad G/B
Am I'll still be Dmthinkin' of you
G And the times we CG/BhadAm..... GBaby
F And don't you Gcry Amtonight
F Don't you Gcry Amtonight
F Don't you Gcry Ctonight,
there's a G/Bheaven Amabove you Gbaby
F And don't you Gcry Amtonight
Dm F G Am G
F G Am G
F G Am
Verse 3
Dm And please Gremember
C That I G/Bnever Amlied
Dm And please Gremember
C How I G/Bfelt Aminside now, honey
Dm You gotta Gmake it your own way
C But G/Byou'll be Amalright now, sugar
Dm You'll feel Gbetter tomorrow
C Come the G/Bmorning Amlight now Gbaby
F And don't you Gcry Amtonight
F And don't you Gcry Amtonight
F And don't you Gcry Ctonight
there's a G/Bheaven Amabove you Gbaby
F And don't you Gcry
F Don't you ever GFcry-y-yy-yy
Don't you Gcry Etonight
Baby, Fmaybe someday
F Don't you Gcry
F Don't you ever GFcry-y-yy-yy
Don't you Gcry Ctonight
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