Don't Take It Personally - The Academic chords
The Academic
ALast night’s late conversations running round in my brains all making sense
to me Enow
AI’ve been thinking about the words you said and the books you claim you
read and I Edoubt
DYou and me can’t go much further, BmNever sure but almost certain, Ato
shy to mention
DI can get by on my own I’m Bmtelling you because I can’t show Ayou
F#mDon’t take it Dpersonally baby I Adon’t need you to save me Enow
F#mDon’t take it Dpersonally baby I Anever meant to make you Ecry
Don’t take it Apersonally A A E
Don’t take it Apersonally A A E
You Acall up your dad and you tell him what I
said and he’s bound to take your side and he’ll Edrive
Ayou to my house and you’ll scream because you’re
allowed and your neighbours will come out and that’s Efine
DYou and me can’t go much further Bmnever sure but almost certain Atoo
late to wonder
DI wish I could be what you need and Bmsail away into the sea and Astay
there forC#mever
F#mDon’t take it Dpersonally baby I Adon’t need you to save me Enow
F#mDon’t take it Dpersonally baby I Anever meant to make you Ecry
Don’t take it Apersonally A A E
Don’t take it Apersonally A A E
Don’t take it Apersonally A A E
F#mDon’t take it Dpersonally baby I Adon’t need you to save me Enow
F#mDon’t take it Dpersonally baby I Anever meant to make you Ecry
Don’t take it Apersonally A A E
Don’t take it Apersonally A A E
Don’t take it Apersonally A A E
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